Article Submission Guidelines
To become a part of our digital or print publication (blog or magazine) all you have to do is submit your original article. We are currently looking for all sorts of articles in any occult related subject. From herbalism and natural practices to psionics, paranormal phenomena, traditional witchcraft, personal experiences and more.
To submit your article you need to include:
Preferred Title (Might be edited)
The article (See specifications below)
Any artwork or sketches that you would like to include (See specifications below)
Your legal name
The name you submit under (if you have a pen name or pseudonym)
Disclaimer for copyrights and use (See specifications below)
Links to promote yourself and your work (Website, social media, portfolio etc.)
Short Bio about yourself as an author (optional)
The Article
Your article should be between 700 to 2000 words long which is roughly 1,5 to 3 pages in word with Times New Roman at 12pt.
It must be an original article written by you and not a copied or plagiarised work.
You should not have published the same article in another publication or online media.
You should proof-read your article for grammatical errors as articles with spelling errors and serious grammatical mistakes will be rejected by our system before they are reviewed (see: they're, their, you're, your etc.)
Send it in a .doc or open office document file, NOT in a PDF as PDFs are not easy to deconstruct and work with.
If you would like to submit an important diagram, symbol, sketches or other artwork in your article please make sure that this is an original work and not an image you found in another publication or the internet.
Please copy-paste the following disclaimer at the end of your article:
The work in this submission, including text and images, is my original work and not material that I have found or copied from other sources such as books, the internet, other publications etc. It is my own work and I do not violate any copyrights by using it.
I provide “Erebus Society Publications” with this material to be used in their publications (including online blog and magazine in print). The ownership of the work remains with me but Erebus Society Publications has the rights to use the work.
To submit your work:
Copy-paste your disclaimer in the text field of the e-mail.
Attach the document file in the e-mail (and any images).
Write any further notes inside the e-mail.
E-mail subject “Article for Blog/Magazine”
Send it to: erebussociety@hotmail.com